Special Detectors Installed at the Khujand International Airport to Detect Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
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DUSHANBE, 02.03.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On February 27, Khujand International Airport hosted an official ceremony to hand over special detectors to detect nuclear and radioactive materials.
The purpose of installing special detectors is to counter terrorism using weapons of mass destruction and illegal trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials across the borders of Tajikistan.
The installation of such equipment at the airport is the next step of Tajikistan in the fight against any weapons of mass destruction, their prevention and illicit trafficking.
In recent years, such detectors have been installed at the customs checkpoints of Dusti, Panji Poyon, Fotehobod, Guliston, Sarazm and at the Dushanbe International Airport.
It is also planned to install such detectors at the international airports of Kulob and Bokhtar.
The project provides for the provision of hand tools and training for Customs officers in order to prevent illicit trafficking in nuclear and radioactive materials.