President Emomali Rahmon Visits Boboi Alimardon Farm in Shahritus district
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DUSHANBE, 27.05.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, made a working trip inShahritus district of Khatlon Province.
The Leader of the Nation got acquainted with the activities of «Boboi Alimardon» farm and visited the exhibition of agricultural products.
This farm is formed on the area of 4.10 hectares of land, where various agricultural crops are grown. Farm laborers planted cotton on 2.4 hectares of land, potatoes on 10 hundredths of land, onions on 30 hundredths of land, tomatoes on 25 hundredths of land, melons on 40 hundredths of land, and wheat on 65 hundredths of land.
All day and night, farmers are engaged in harvesting wheat, melons, potatoes and onions. The culture of land use in this area, as in other parts of the agrarian district of Shahritus, is established at a high level.
The state of onion harvesting in the farm showed that the working community will get 500-700 centners from this year’s harvest. This indicator is satisfactory in the district, and 360 tons of early onions have already been exported from the territory of rural communities of Shahritus district.
Potato cultivation has also developed in the district, and farm shareholders are trying to contribute to the country’s food security by growing this type of vegetable. According to experts, each hectare of potato land in the farm has a yield of up to 200 centners.
Wheat harvesting also started on the same day at the «Boboi Alimardon» farm, and taking into account the good growth of this crop, the farmers’ expected yield is 60 centners.
With the beginning of the harvesting of the crops, the farm workers decide to grow up to 300 centners of watermelons and handalak. Farm products are designed to meet the needs of the consumer market.
The Head of State, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the experience of land use in the «Boboi Alimardon» farm, highly appreciated the work of the farmers, and instructed the farmers to carry out replanting, timely implementation of this important agrarian measure and, in general, the purposeful use of natural resources, in particular water and land.
Also, in the territory of this farm, an exhibition of agricultural products of farmers of all six rural communities and the town of Shahritus district was organized. As part of this event, the products of the farmers of the district, such as cereals, vegetables, pulses, legumes and fruits were exhibited.