President Emomali Rahmon Meets Activists of Vanj District
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DUSHANBE, 16.08.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On August 16, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, held a cordial meeting with the management and activists of Vanj district in the center of the district.
First of all, the head of state thanked the hospitable residents of Vanj district for their warm welcome and the businessmen and generous people for continuing the development and construction works to celebrate the 35th anniversary of state independence.
It was emphasized that in order to welcome the 35th anniversary of state independence, construction, repair and renovation of 117 structures in the amount of 191 million somoni are planned, and 41 structures have been put into operation so far.
Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon considered it necessary that this process, in addition to the improvement works carried out so far, should be expanded, and the problems of the people of the district should be solved as much as possible even in the remotest villages.
Honorable President of the country Emomali Rahmon emphasized that in 32 years of independence, 477 million somoni were allocated from the state budget to ensure social and economic development of Vanj district.
Also, during the years of independence, the implementation of 11 state investment projects in the amount of more than 30 million somoni was completed in the district, and now the work is going on smoothly within the framework of 6 other state investment projects in the amount of more than 500 million somoni.
These projects are primarily aimed at building and equipping schools, strengthening infrastructure to ensure resilience against natural disasters, rural electrification and road reconstruction.
At the same time, the Social and Economic Development Program of the district for 2021-2025 is being implemented in order to increase the level of well-being of residents and implement strategic goals. The program includes 116 projects with a total amount of 174 million somoni, within which only 26 projects in the amount of 98 million somoni have been implemented so far.
The executive body of state authority of Vanj district was tasked to expand cooperation with ministries and agencies, development partners, entrepreneurs and investors, the population and other relevant parties, to take additional measures for proper and purposeful appropriation of allocated funds and implementation of existing programs and projects.
The head of state instructed the executive body of state authority of Vanj district, the ministries of agriculture, industry and new technologies and the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management to take practical measures to attract domestic and foreign capital in order to establish a modern center for the storage and processing of agricultural products.
The State Committee for Investment and Management of State Property, the Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation, the executive bodies of regional and district authorities were tasked with attracting funds from development partners to develop and implement the project to ensure the resilience of the Vanj River course to climate change and take action to develop and irrigate new lands.
The President of the country, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, ordered that the heads of the region and Vanj district, together with the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, comprehensively analyze the opportunities of the district in the direction of industrial development, and take specific measures in order to establish industrial enterprises for the processing of local raw materials, including agricultural products.
During the analysis of the situation of the international community, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, tasked the leaders and activists of the district, the heads of communities and mahallas, intellectuals and respected and experienced persons to further guide the people, especially the youth, to strengthen peace and stability, observe legality and legal order, and work on construction and development.
After the speech of the head of state, a group of residents of Vanj district, employees of various professions, including the 11th grade student of general secondary school No. 8 Umar Orzuev and the director of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Center of the district Zarrina Muzaffarova expressed gratitude for the irreversible peace and stability and the round-the-clock efforts of the Leader of the Nation toward ensuring a decent life for the people of the country.President Emomali Rahmon Meets Activists of Darvoz District