The Head of state Emomali Rahmon makes personnel appointments in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

7 июня, 2024 12:10

DUSHANBE, 07.06.2024 /NIAT «Khovar»/— On June 7, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, received for a conversation the personnel appointed to the leadership positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its subordinate structures.

In agreement with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the heads of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Dushanbe, Sughd Province, in the region and district of Rasht, the head of the State Service «Muhofiza», the heads of the departments of public order protection, criminal investigation, communication, the Authorized representative in the Coordination Bureau for the fight against organized crimes of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the National Coordinator for Police Reforms, the heads of the first and second divisions in the Sino and Firdavsi districts of Dushanbe, the heads of the divisions in Darvoz district, the cities and districts of Khujand, Kuhiston Mastchoh, Devashtich and Istiklol of Sughd Province, Khuroson, Norak, Vakhsh , Qubodiyon, Jayhun and Panj of Khatlon Province and cities and districts subordinate to the center — Rogun, Fayzobod, Hisor and Shahrinav were appointed from among the young and experienced personnel of the sphere.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon guided the personnel assigned to responsible positions to faithfully and honestly serve the Motherland and the people of the country, set specific tasks concerning the fight against crime, in particular, terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking and other organized crimes, protection of peace and stability in society and ensuring the rule of law.

Recalling the rapidly changing and unpredictable situation of the region and the world, it was emphasized that the performance of the duties of law enforcement agencies requires constant vigilance and intelligence and a high sense of responsibility from every employee of the field, and especially from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

«Knowledge of foreign languages, use of digital technologies given the threats of the modern era, improvement of professional knowledge and skills, physical training, selection and appointment of personnel with a high level of professional knowledge and skills are among the main duties of each head of the structural units of the Ministry,» – the Head of state emphasized.

Ensuring the performance of official duties within the framework of the Regulations and normative and legal documents regulating the field and the continuous fight against corruption in all structures of the Ministry were from among instructions of the Leader of the Nation given during the conversation.

7 июня, 2024 12:10

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