Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon attends opening ceremony of the Central Stadium of the city of Norak

30 августа, 2024 10:09

DUSHANBE, 30.08.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. On August 30, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, commissioned the Central Stadium of the city of Norak with 10,000 seats.

It was reported that the construction of the stadium began in 2020, and more than 37 million somoni were spent on its construction and equipment.

The new facilities were built on an area of ​​4.3 hectares, and here are provided conditions for training and practicing various types of sports.

The buildings inside the stadium consist of 4 parts, the 1st part is two-story and the rest is one-story.

In the first part of the stadium, there are 15 rooms for two sports teams, coaches and referees. The second part has 9 rooms and 5 shopping centers.

During familiarization the Leader of the Nation was informed that in the new stadium rooms for 4 teams of athletes have been built, and this facility is also equipped with changing rooms, bathrooms, medical center, administrative office and technical rooms in accordance with the requirements of modern times.

According to the developed project, other auxiliary buildings, including the power supply system, fire pool and parking lot for vehicles have also been built in the stadium.

After the opening of the sports facility, 26 people have been provided with permanent employment.

During the acquaintance with the conditions created in the Central Stadium of the city of Norak, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, tasked the officials to attract more young people to sports, and gave useful advice for the training of world-class athletes.

The customer is the State Institution «Directorate of Construction of Government Facilities» of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, and the project of the facility was developed by OJSC «SANIOSP».

The Central Stadium of the city of Norak was built by LLCs «Mahmil-2012», «Tolokor», «Nasbi Nur», «Abubakri Dilshod», «Tajhizoti Asr» and «Zevar».

The foundation of such a modern stadium on the eve of the 33rd anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was called a valuable gift for athletes, especially football players of Norak city.

In this place, football players of the Norak football club were presented with gifts – sports uniforms and shoes on behalf of the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon.

Now in the city of Norak, there are 2 sports schools for 13 types of sports — football, volleyball, table tennis, «Freestyle», «Sambo», «Greco-Roman», «Judo» wrestling, athletics, checkers and chess, arm-wrestling, boxing, kickboxing and pankration, and 19 coaches are engaged in education and training of teenagers and young people. Out of this number, 9 coaches with higher sports education and 10 with special secondary education are working here. More than 600 athletes train in 46 groups in the mentioned schools, of which 65 are women.

30 августа, 2024 10:09

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