Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon got acquainted with activities of Abdujabbor farm in Asht district
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DUSHANBE, 08.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 8, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during his working visit to the cities and districts of Sughd Province in Asht district, got acquainted with the activities of the «Abdujabbor» farm.
The agricultural farm «Abdujabbor» was built on the area of 7.43 hectares, 3.43 hectares of which are apricot trees of «mirsanjali», «kadukhurmoi» and traditional varieties.
Also, on the area of 4 ha of land, 2,660 cherry trees of the «Dili Kaftar», «Volevoy» and «Skinen» varieties imported from abroad are planted and intensively cultivated.
Currently, 15 local residents are provided with permanent work on this farm, and 50 more people are involved in field work during harvest.
It is worth noting that this farm implements drip irrigation of the lands, and it allows to reduce the excessive cost of water, high costs of labor and mineral fertilizers, and to protect the land from salinity.
The Head of State was informed that the capacity of the farm water reservoir is 1550 cubic meters, and it is filled with water from 2 vertical wells and river water in 10 hours, and 10 hectares of land can be irrigated with it in 3 hours.
A separate point of electrical supply helps to make the work more efficient.
For proper and efficient use of the land, the shareholders have established cultivation between the rows of trees.
In order to strengthen the soil, as well as to obtain the desired harvest, rapeseed fodder was planted and harvested in the first planting.
Currently, watermelons, melons, mung beans, beans, bell peppers, turnips, basil and other types of vegetables are grown in repeated cultivation, and farmers, using advanced practices and following agrotechnical rules, get a significant harvest.
After the visit and acquaintance, the President of the country visited the exhibition of folk crafts and high-quality, ecologically clean products of rural and individual farms of the district.
At the exhibition, the labourers presented their goods, which was put on display in different forms.
We remind that the Asht district has good geographical features and a favorable climate for growing all kinds of apricots, and different types of apricots are grown in the farms of the district.
The delicious apricots of this region are in great demand in the world market, and at today’s exhibition it was presented in fresh, dried, canned and other varieties.
In the other part of the exhibition, the products of blacksmiths, the art of baking bread and a number of folk crafts, which show the development of arts and crafts in this remote district, were exhibited.
The Head of State, while getting acquainted with the achievements of the farmers, highly appreciated their significant activity, and gave specific instructions for more effective use of the land, which is a guarantor of food security and is timely in the current conditions.