President Emomali Rahmon participated in ceremony for commissioning of Boqi Rahimzoda rural community’ building in Rasht district

13 сентября, 2024 11:57

DUSHANBE, 13.07.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 13, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, opened the building of Boqi Rahimzoda rural community of Rasht district.

During the introduction, it was informed that the building of Boqi Rahimzoda rural community consists of two floors, and spacious rooms are provided for employees. The building also has a spacious hall for various events.

Construction work on the building of the Boqi Rahimzoda rural community began in May 2023 and was completed with the funding of the Rasht district Executive body of state power.

The construction of such a beautiful and modern building allows to provide services to the people with disabilities at a high level.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, assessed the creation of conditions at the local level as important for the progress of the work, and guided the workers and specialists to the high-quality performance of their service obligations.

At the same time, a museum of the poet Boqi Rahimzoda was built in front of the community office, and a bust of him was placed there, where everyone can get acquainted with a sample of poems and the biography of the poet.

The care for the representatives of science and literature originates from the constructive and cultural policy of the Head of State and contributes to the presentation of creations and exemplary life of the outstanding sons of the Tajik nation.

13 сентября, 2024 11:57

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