Partly cloudy weather is predicted in Tajikistan today

DUSHANBE, 28.06.2018. /NIAT “Khovar”/. Partly cloudy weather is predicted in the republic today, without precipitation, the air temperature will rise up to 41 degrees in some areas, the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Republic of Tajikistan reports.
According to the source, in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region – a little cloudy weather, without precipitation. The wind is western, 2-7 m/s. The air temperature in the west of GBAO at the nighttime is +10 +15 and in the daytime – +26 +31 degrees, in the east of GBAO at the nighttime is +1 +6, in the daytime – +16 +21 degrees.
In the Sughd region – a little cloudy weather, without precipitation. The wind is western, 3-8 m/s. The air temperature in the valleys at the nighttime is +19 +24 and in the daytime – +34 +39 degrees, in the mountains at the nighttime +6 +11 and in the daytime – +20 +25 degrees.
“In the Khatlon region – clear weather, without precipitation. The wind is western, 2-7 m/s. The air temperature in the valleys at the nighttime is +19 +24 and in the daytime – +36 +41. In the foothills at nighttime the air temperature is +14 +19 and in the daytime – +29 +34 degrees”, – says the Agency.
It is reportedly said that in districts of republican subordination – a little cloudy weather, without precipitation. The wind is western, 2-7 m/s. The air temperature in the valleys at the nighttime is +15 +20 and in the daytime – +33 +38 degrees. In the mountains at the nighttime is +9 +14 and in the daytime – +26 +31 degrees.
In Dushanbe – a little cloudy weather, without precipitation. The wind is western, 2-7 m/s. The air temperature at the nighttime is +16 +18 and in the daytime – +36 +38 degrees.