There is a High Chance You Won’t Get Away with Crime in Tajikistan

DUSHANBE, 18.01.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The topics of crime, its detection and clearance by police officers in 2018 were discussed on January 15 at a meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Tajikistan.
“During this period, police officers carried out a number of operative-search activities and the individuals who committed criminal acts were brought to criminal responsibility,” said the Minister of Internal Affairs Ramazon Rahimzoda.
According to statistics, 20,284 crimes were registered in the republic during the first 11 months of last year, of which 16,809 crimes were registered by the MIA. Other law enforcement bodies registered 3,475 crimes, or 17.1% of the total number of crimes.
The overall clearance rate,-the percentage of property and violent crimes that are resolved in an arrest or other means, by police in Tajikistan is more than 82% today.
During this period, 446 traffic violations resulting in serious bodily injuries and death were registered. This number is 1.5% less compared to the same period in 2017.
Following the meeting Rahimzoda gave several strict orders and specific instructions aiming to improve the efficiency of the police in clearing crimes committed in previous years, to ensure traffic safety and eliminate existing shortcomings in the fight against terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking.