Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon Attends Inauguration Ceremony of Mohir Invest Construction Materials Manufacturing Enterprise in Yovon

15 декабря, 2023 14:00

DUSHANBE, 15.12.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On December 15, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, put into operation a construction materials production enterprise «Mohir Invest» LLC in the industrial zone of Yovon district.

The new industrial enterprise was built by the native businessman Bahriddin Jurakhonov to celebrate the 35th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, within the framework of «Years of Industrial Development, 2022-2026».

With the establishment of this new production enterprise, 230 people, most of whom are local residents, were provided with permanent well-paid jobs.

During the acquaintance with the production process, the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon was informed that the activity of the new industrial enterprise will be carried out in two shifts, mainly the production of construction materials, including plasterboard with metal profiles and joints, gypsum ceilings (armstrong) and construction powders (filler and plaster) has been started.

Modern technological lines have been brought to the enterprise from Germany and China, but installed and fully managed by Tajik specialists. The production capacity of the enterprise is 30 million square meters of plasterboard per year.

The company produces four types of plasterboard with a width of 1 meter and 20 centimeters and a length of 2 meters and 50 centimeters. Produced plasterboards are resistant to moisture and heat and are used for interior walls and roof decoration of various buildings.

The enterprise has the capacity to produce 200,000 tonnes of high-quality construction powder per year. Also, the production of gypsum ceilings (armstrong) with the capacity of 2 million and 400 thousand pieces per month has been launched at the enterprise. Gypsum ceilings are prepared with a size of 60 by 60 centimeters. This type of product is intended for covering the roofs of residential and administrative buildings, as well as household and service buildings using metal profiles and joints.

Production of 10 types of metal profiles and assemblies has also been launched at the enterprise. In this technological line, it is possible to produce 32 tonnes of metal profiles and assemblies per month. The entire list of construction materials produced by the newly built industrial enterprise is in line with international standards.

The total area of the new high-capacity industrial plant in Yovon district is 5.2 ha. Adjacent to spacious interconnected production buildings are auxiliary facilities, such as a laboratory.

The quality of all types of products produced by «Mohir Invest» LLC is tested in the laboratory. The laboratory of the enterprise is equipped with modern industrial equipment, which professional specialists use to accurately test the quality of products, and then offer them for use in production.

The head of state Emomali Rahmon considered the initiative of the domestic businessman to build a powerful industrial enterprise in the direction of processing local raw materials and production of domestic products as an example, and considering the high demand for high-quality construction materials in the country, gave useful advice and recommendations to the officials of «Mohir Invest» LLC to further increase the volume of production.

Thus, only since the beginning of this year, 10 workshops and a powerful industrial enterprise with the creation of more than 200 permanent jobs were built and put into operation in Yovon district in the process of the implementation of the fourth national goal — rapid industrialization of the country.

Here, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, was presented with a project for the creation of new industrial enterprises, the domain of which is mainly the processing of local raw products to the final stage.

During the presentation of the projects, it was informed that two new industrial enterprises will be built in the district, including the gypsum block production enterprise under «Fayzi Gaj» LLC and the limestone processing and paper production enterprise under «Mohir Invest» LLC within the framework of the «Years of Industrial Development» goals, and a total of 70 new jobs will be created.

The gypsum block production plant produces 5,400 square meters per day and 2 million square meters per year. The importance of gypsum blocks is that they lighten the weight of the building by 60% compared to other types of construction materials, while being resistant to heat and cold, they have the ability to limit noise and speed up the construction process.

A limestone processing and paper production plant will be established with a capacity of 25 tonnes per day and more than 9 thousand tonnes of domestic products per year, which produces paper in the field of publishing, printing newspapers and magazines, booklets, advertising boards, cardboard boxes for packaging products and other types. It should be said that 80% of the company’s products are local raw materials, prepared with excellent quality, and are import substitutes. With the establishment and start of operation of this enterprise, the original cost of manufactured paper will be reduced by 30% compared to imported paper.

The technological lines installed in these production enterprises are the latest and single in the country.

The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, evaluated the contribution of enterprising local entrepreneurs in the process of rapid industrialization of the country as significant and wished them success in this direction.

15 декабря, 2023 14:00

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