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Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon sent a congratulatory message to UN Secretary-General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon sent a congratulatory message to UN Secretary-General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

🕔19:50, 2.Мар 2017

Today, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon sent a congratulatory message to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, which reads in

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Meeting of the Leader of the Nation with the management and specialists of Roghun HPP and residents of Roghun town

Meeting of the Leader of the Nation with the management and specialists of Roghun HPP and residents of Roghun town

🕔17:06, 29.Окт 2016

Dushanbe, 29.10.2016. /NIAT «Khovar»/. In the framwork of his working visit to Roghun, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, after attending the launching ceremony

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塔吉克斯坦共和国总统埃莫马利·拉赫蒙 在瓦赫什河改道仪式上的致辞

塔吉克斯坦共和国总统埃莫马利·拉赫蒙 在瓦赫什河改道仪式上的致辞

🕔14:52, 29.Окт 2016

29.10.2016, Roghun city 亲爱的同胞们! 尊敬的来宾,各位建设者! 此时此刻,我们齐聚一堂,启动罗贡水电站大坝建设,这是该大型项目建设的重要步骤之一。 塔吉克斯坦的人民多年翘首期盼,祖国光荣的好男儿——专业技术人员和建设者们夜以继日地工作,就是为了这历史性的一天。 今天是光明灿烂的一天,将为实现我们民族的夙愿和亲爱的塔吉克斯坦国家光明未来奠定坚实基础。 在此,我要就这一历史性的事件向所有塔吉克斯坦人民表示衷心祝贺,特别是罗贡水电站的建设者、设计者,工程师和技术工人以及其他所有为此项目做出贡献的国内外公司,尤其是大坝建设的总承包商——萨利尼公司。 在不远的将来,你们的劳动成果将惠及每一位居民,因为我们每一位居民的家中都将使用由你们富有创造性的劳动所生产的能源。 所以我深信,此时此刻,塔吉克斯坦人民会为你们的勇气和意志感到感激和自豪。 这一历史性事件发生在国家独立25周年之际,这是富有象征性的事件,可以说这是我们国家人民最值得骄傲的成就。 众所周知,我国独立二十五年的历史是在冲突和困难中不断前行的,其中有失有得,有起有落。 然而在国民经济和社会发展道路上仍有诸多困难,解决这些问题对我们国家持续发展和改善人民生活意义重大,因此我们应该为达成这一目标齐心工作。 然而,在国民经济和社会发展中仍然存在一些困难,解决这些问题对我们国家进一步发展、增进人民福祉至关重要,因此我们必须共同努力实现这一目标 。 其中一个问题就是秋冬季缺电。 众所周知,塔吉克斯坦石油、天然气等能源资源不足,但我们有大量水电资源,这是我们国家的宝贵财富,合理使用这些资源可增加经济可持续发展的能力,增强我国经济发展的潜力。 尽管水力资源丰富,但长期以来秋冬季严重电力短缺问题没有得到改善,从而造成了严重的社会和经济问题。 很多年来,在最寒冷的季节,很多居民每天只能有两三个小时可以用电,有时甚至全天断电。 这就使得那些重要的机构,如学校,医院、工厂等无法正常工作。所有这些,毫无疑问对居民生活改善、经济发展和解决社会问题会产生负面影响。 因此,政府将保障能源安全作为国家战略目标之一,并为实现这一目标调动了所有资源和能力。 为进一步确保国家电力和供暖供应,政府采取了修复现有水电站、投放新产能,建设输变电线路、减少技术损耗、节能和利用节能技术等措施,其中重点在于更好合理利用水利资源。 在发展能源领域方面落实了一批重要项目,这是政府不懈努力和追求的见证,因此目前电力短缺问题有了改善,人们生活水平显著提高。 国家独立25年来,我国开发了超过1,300兆瓦的新电能。 独立以来,在能源工业以及电力和基础设施等领域,投入资金超260亿美元 索莫尼(超过30亿美元)。特别是在建设新产能方面投资86亿索莫尼(10亿2.255亿美元); 建设新的能源基础设施、输变电线路和变电站35亿索莫尼(5亿美元); 对现有设备和网络的修复和现代化以及抢险和电力核算投入近15亿索莫尼(超过2亿美元) 目前,除依靠国内资金完成的项目外,还有6个国家投资项目正在实施,总价约48亿索莫尼,其中27亿索莫尼用于建设新产能;10亿索莫尼用于建设新的基础设施,9亿索莫尼用于网络现代化改造,罗贡水电站建设和修复投如资金超125亿索莫尼。 努列克水电站的现代化改造(包括更换两台机组,维修和修复水电站)到目前花费超过6.5亿索莫尼。 此外,为了实现能源独立,通过财政拨款和国外投资将达到36亿索莫尼(超过40亿美元)。 与此同时,今年启动了耗资11亿索莫尼的Sarband HPS现代化改造工作,明年将开始努列克和Kairakkum HPP水电站现代化的第二阶段, 其中努列克花费约30亿索莫尼,Kairakkum HPP约6亿索莫尼。 未来,容量为300兆瓦的“杜尚别-2”热电厂也将投入使用,将为首都家庭居民带来温暖。 毫无疑问,这将是实现能源独立的另一个重要步骤。然而,正如我一直多次的强调,没有罗贡水电站的建设就并不可能实现完全的能源独立。 高度335米罗贡水电站的大坝将成为世界上最高的石土坝,发电能力达3600兆瓦(超过17亿千瓦时/小时),将成为该地区最大的水电站,这一数字是努列克水电站产能的1.5倍。

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Discours du Président de la République du Tadjikistan, Son Excellence M. Emomali Rahmon à l’occasion du recouvrement de la rivière Vakhsh

Discours du Président de la République du Tadjikistan, Son Excellence M. Emomali Rahmon à l’occasion du recouvrement de la rivière Vakhsh

🕔14:51, 29.Окт 2016

29.10.2016, Roghun city Mes chers compatriotes, Chers invités et constructeurs, Nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui afin de commencer la construction du barrage hydroélectrique de “Rogoun”, qui est l’une des étapes importantes de la construction de cette installation. Tous les habitants du

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Speech by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of Nation, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon in Vakhsh River Diversion Ceremony

Speech by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of Nation, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon in Vakhsh River Diversion Ceremony

🕔14:50, 29.Окт 2016

29.10.2016, Roghun city Distinguished Compatriots, Honorable Guests, Esteemed Constructors, Today we are gathered here to start the construction of the Roghun HPP dam, which is one of the important phases of the construction of this grand facility. Every resident of

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Start of construction of Roghun HPP dam

Start of construction of Roghun HPP dam

🕔13:36, 29.Окт 2016

Dushanbe, 29.10.2016. /NIAT «Khovar»/. The ceremony of the launch of construction of the dam of Roghun Hydroelectric Power Plant took place today in Roghun town on the bank of the Vakhsh River with the participation of the Founder of Peace

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SCO Secretary General: Russia has shown how to fight against ‘absolute evil’

SCO Secretary General: Russia has shown how to fight against ‘absolute evil’ Updated

🕔16:02, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. The terrorist group Islamic State is an «absolute evil» and Russian has demonstrated how to fight it, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Rashid Alimov said on Monday, TASS News Agency reported. «Russia has

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Ambassador of Tajikistan visits German Bundestag

Ambassador of Tajikistan visits German Bundestag

🕔15:51, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016 / NIAT «Khovar» /. The Ambassador of Tajikistan to Germany Maliksho Nematov held a meeting with the members of the Bundestag, the Inter- Parliamentary Friendship Group for Relations with the States of Central Asia headed by the Chairman

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President Emomali Rahmon sent a letter of condolences to the US President Barack Obama

President Emomali Rahmon sent a letter of condolences to the US President Barack Obama

🕔14:01, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016 / NIAT «Khovar» /.  President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon expressed his condolences to President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama following a shooting in Orlando, Florida, which has left about 50 people dead and dozens

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“Istiqlol” (Dushanbe) — “Lokomotiv” (Moscow) to play friendly match on June 26 in Dushanbe

🕔11:35, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016 /NIAT “Khovar”/. International friendly match between four-time champion of Tajikistan FC “Istiqlol” and the double champion of Russia “Lokomotiv” will take place on June 26 at the Dushanbe Central Republican stadium. According to the official website of “Istiqlol”,

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Tajikistan and UNRCCA Discuss Issue of Boarder Strengthening

🕔09:23, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. Foreign Minister of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Aslov has met here on Monday with Ambassador Petko Draganov, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, and Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA). According

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Italy beats Belgium at Euro 2016 group stage match

🕔09:09, 14.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 14.06.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. Italy’s national football team has defeated Belgium 2-0 in a group stage match of the 2016 UEFA Euro Cup underway in France. The Group E game was held at the Stade des Lumi•res stadium in Lyon.

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UN Assistant Secretary-General expressed an interest to strengthen further cooperation in all priority sectors with Tajikistan

🕔18:01, 13.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 13.06.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. The meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Qohir Rasulzoda with the UN Assistant Secretary-General and Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RBEC)

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CIS Defence Ministers Council to sit in Moscow on June 15

🕔17:40, 13.Июн 2016

Dushanbe, 13.06.2016. /NIAT “Khovar”/. A meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States will take place in Moscow on June 15, 2016. According to the press service of the CIS Executive Committee, the CIS defense

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Nationwide referendum on amendments to the Constitution declared valid

Nationwide referendum on amendments to the Constitution declared valid

🕔12:40, 22.Май 2016

Dushanbe, 22.05.2016 / NIAT «Khovar» /.  A nationwide referendum on introduction of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan is declared valid, said the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of Tajikistan. According to the CCER

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Leader of the Nation took part in the nation-wide referendum on introduction of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan

Leader of the Nation took part in the nation-wide referendum on introduction of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan

🕔08:50, 22.Май 2016

Today morning, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon took part in an important political event — national referendum on introduction of amendments and additions

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