Teachers from Dushanbe Become Winners of the International Competition
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DUSHANBE, 09.03.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – Teachers from Dushanbe became winners of the international competition «Best Scientific Article-2023,» which took place on March 5 in Tashkent.
They have been awarded certificates and medals.
The competition was held between representatives of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Over 8000 participants took part in it, 200 of them became the best and were awarded with prizes.
In particular, the director of the lyceum No. 2 for gifted schoolchildren in Dushanbe Jamoliddin Sirojzoda, the teacher of information technologies Nizomiddin Jumaev, the teacher of Russian language and literature Arzu Manafova and the teacher of chemistry Gulnoz Nabotova became the winners of the international competition.