Assembly of Representatives Approves Agreements
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DUSHANBE, 29.02.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – Yesterday, Spekaer of the Assembly of Representatives Mahmadtoir Zokirzoda chaired the fifth session of the Assembly of the sixth convocation.
The session focused on the election of a member of the Assembly’s Committee for Law and Order, Defense and Security B. Ayubi, exchange memorandums between the Government of Tajikistan and the Government of Japan within the framework of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Program, the Agreement on Cooperation of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the fight against corruption and the Agreement between the governments of Tajikistan and Russia on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.
The agreements were approved by deputies of the Assembly of Representatives at the end of the session.
The agenda issues were presented by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Ahliddin Nuriddinzoda, the First Deputy Director of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight against Corruption Barot Rasuli, the Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Gulchehra Kohirova, the people’s deputies Munavvar Abdusalomzoda, Bakhtiyor Ahmadzoda and Tolibkhon Azimzoda.