Dushanbe Hosts the Seventeenth Session of the National Assembly
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DUSHANBE, 28.02.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – Today, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali chaired the seventeenth session of the National Assembly of the sixth convocation.
Initially, members of the National Assembly made relevant decisions on approving the work procedure, electing the secretariat and the agenda of the session, consisting of 14 issues.
The chairmen of the National Assembly committees made reports on social issues, health care, science, education, culture, youth and women’s policy, economics and communications, and voiced the conclusions of sectoral committees on the laws under consideration.
Members of the National Assembly discussed and supported the laws “On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education” and “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Insurance Activities.”
After discussing the proposals of the President of Tajikistan, by National Assembly’s decrees, Salomat Hakimzoda and Marhabo Naimzoda were dismissed from the posts of judges of the Supreme Court due to reaching the age limit for judicial office, Faizali Komili was dismissed from the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Higher Economic Court due to his transfer to another job, Zeboniso Abdullozoda was elected as the First Deputy Chairman of the Higher Economic Court, Saidabonu Aminzoda was elected as the judge of the Higher Economic Court.
Also, based on the President’s proposals, National Assembly’s decrees were adopted on giving consent to dismissal of Dilshod Talbakzoda and Mirzoamon Rofizod from the posts of Deputies Prosecutor General, to dismissal of Deputy Prosecutor General — Chief Military Prosecutor Ikrom Zoirzod, and the appointment of Umed Karimzoda to the post of First Deputy Prosecutor General, the appointment of Sarvar Azimzod to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General and the appointment of Habibullo Vohidzoda to the post of Deputy Prosecutor General — Chief Military Prosecutor.
In continuation of the session, Prosecutor General Yusuf Rahmon reported on control over the strict observance and uniform execution of laws in Tajikistan in 2023.
During the discussion of this issue, the Speaker of the National Assembly gave the Prosecutor General a number of instructions to strengthen control over the strict observance and uniform execution of laws, ensure the rule of law, strengthen law and order, protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, prevent the commission of crimes by minors, drug trafficking and violations statutory rules in military units.
Due to the onset of unfavorable weather conditions, the members of the National Assembly, chairmen of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Sughd and Khatlon regions, cities and districts were instructed to ensure the expansion of agricultural work to lay the foundations for a bountiful harvest and to take timely measures to organize and hold Mother’s Day and Navruz International Holiday.