Statement of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit entitled «An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future»
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Your Excellency Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India,
Ladies and gentlemen!
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Government of India for the organization of this important event, the 3rd Voice of Global South Summit.
We believe that today’s meeting provides a favorable basis for constructive discussion on various aspects of the sustainable development process and other pressing issues of the modern world.
In fact, all regions of the world, including the Global South, are currently in a difficult phase due to the adverse effects of climate change, food shortages, population growth, financial debt, inequality and conflicts.
Therefore, the vast region of the Global South needs urgent joint actions and other necessary measures to counter these risks and threats, adapt to them and sustainably manage natural resources.
Distinguished participants,
Over the past five years, we have witnessed the hottest years and months on the planet.
According to the experts, July 2024 was recorded as the hottest month on record, and this year has recorded its highest ever.
This process suggests that we are likely to see new record temperatures in the next few years.
The Republic of Tajikistan with 93 percent of its territory covered by mountains, is considered one of the most vulnerable countries of the Global South in terms of adverse impacts of climate change.
Every year, our country faces floods, landslides, avalanches and other natural disasters that cause great material damage and, in many cases, human casualties.
Taking this into account, the Government of Tajikistan is implementing the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change until 2030 in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the social and economic spheres of the country.
Distinguished attendees,
Tajikistan produces 98 percent of its electricity from hydropower, which is from renewable sources.
In terms of the percentage of «green energy» production, we are ranked sixth in the world.
We have decided to increase this figure to one hundred percent by 2032, that is, to produce electricity entirely from «green energy» resources, and to turn Tajikistan into a «green country» by 2037.
Another threatening trend that has caused concern in the international community today is the accelerated melting of glaciers and the reduction of water resources.
It is worth noting that over the past few decades, more than one thousand of the 13 thousand glaciers in our country have completely melted.
This is despite the fact that Tajikistan’s glaciers are the main source of up to sixty percent of the water resources of the Central Asian region.
It is for this reason that Tajikistan’s initiative to declare 2025 as the «International Year of Glacier Preservation» has received the full support of the international community.
According to the relevant resolution of the UN General Assembly, March 21 will be celebrated annually as «World Glaciers’ Day» from next year.
At the same time, based on this resolution, in 2025, Tajikistan will host the International High-Level Conference on Glaciers’ Preservation.
In this regard, I would like to invite all of you to take an active part in this international high-level conference.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Tajikistan, despite having abundant resources of clean drinking water, shows constant attention to water issues.
The support of Tajikistan’s initiatives on water and climate issues by the international community through ten resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly embodies the active and key role of our country in advancing the water and climate agenda at the international level.
These resolutions lay a solid foundation for achieving internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In this regard, the issue of water resources and their rational and sustainable use is defined as one of the important areas of our state policy.
Distinguished attendees,
Further sustainable development is directly related to maintaining peace and stability throughout the world.
Unfortunately, various regions of the modern world are engulfed in a wave of dangerous unrest and armed conflicts, and geopolitical tensions have reached unprecedented levels. This situation, along with other security risks and threats, seriously destabilizes the political stability, economic and social situation of countries and may have many long-term negative consequences.
In this regard, the tragic situation in Palestine today has caused deep concern in the international community.
We call on the parties to an immediate ceasefire and peace talks.
Tajikistan is of the opinion that the implementation of United Nations resolutions on the establishment of an independent State of Palestine is the only effective way to resolve this issue.
There is currently a possibility that the flames of this conflict will spread to other countries in the Middle East region.
In this regard, the international community needs to take effective measures to maintain lasting peace in Palestine.
Distinguished attendees,
I am confident that the results of today’s Summit will lay a good foundation for a comprehensive discussion of the problems of the Global South within the framework of other international events, including the upcoming Summit the Future and the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change in Baku, and these issues will be given special attention by the human community.
Thank you.