President Emomali Rahmon lays foundation stone for the Youth Center building in Dangara district

19 сентября, 2024 09:00

DUSHANBE, 19.09.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 19, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mayor of the city of Dushanbe, Honorable Rustam Emomali, visited Dangara district and laid the foundation stone for the construction of the Youth Center in the district.

For the construction of a 7-story central building with a basement, 18 hundred acres of land has been allocated in the center of the district.

During the presentation of the project, the Head of State was informed that on the first floor of the new building, a meeting hall with 200 seats will be built, on the second floor there will be office rooms of the Youth Center, the department of work with youth and sports, the youth union and a small hall for meetings.

In general, the number of office rooms in the building under construction is 20, in which modern working conditions will be provided in the future.

Vocational education and training centers, foreign language courses, a library, a sports corner are located on the 3rd to 5th floors, and the hotel is located on the 6th to 7th floors.

This facility was built as part of the full attention and support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to the youth, and it also hosts the clubs of «Followers of the Leader of the Nation», «Young Creators» and of volunteers.

It is worth noting that during the period of independence, the buildings of youth centers were rebuilt and equipped with modern conditions in 7 cities and districts of Khatlon Province thanks to the attention and support of the Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon.

Youth and sports facilities will be built up to the 35th anniversary of state independence using high-quality domestic materials and involving local builders, meeting the requirements of the time.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the project of the new building of the Youth Center in Dangara district, gave useful instructions and advice to the officials and builders for quality completion of all construction works.

Here the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon talked with the officials of the youth sector at the republican, regional and district levels and guided them to active work with teenagers and young people and to contribute to their patriotism and self-awareness.

19 сентября, 2024 09:00

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