President Emomali Rahmon Inaugurates Newly-Reconstructed Vakhsh Central Hospital

15 декабря, 2023 10:16

DUSHANBE, 15.12.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – On December 15, in continuation of his working visit, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, reopened the Central Hospital of Vakhsh district after its renovation and reconstruction.

The major repairs and reconstruction was carried out at the Central Hospital of Vakhsh district, which is considered one of the largest health care facilities in the district and Khatlon Province, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the context of the implementation of the project «Protection of mother and child health and improvement of emergency medical care in the districts of Khatlon Province», stages 2 and 4.

Within the framework of this project, the Central Hospital of Vakhsh district was renovated directly with the funding of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the financial support of development partners to welcome the great and historical dates and honor the 35th anniversary of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Now here more than 200,000 people of Vakhsh district have been provided with more options for diagnosis and treatment.

As the head of state Emomali Rahmon was informed, the construction work on the magnificent building of the health sector was started in 2020 by «Manora Construction» LLC.

According to the planned project, the contractor of the facility was obliged to put into use the Central Hospital of Vakhsh district in December 2023 with the best conditions of medical services and equipped with all health facilities.

The builders of the contractor company «Manora construction» completed all three floors of the hospital building, basement, attic and administrative and additional buildings with high quality and in line with international standards.

As it was reported, the most modern construction materials were used for the quality completion of construction works, and close to 200 residents of Vakhsh district were provided with well-paid jobs during the completion of extensive construction works.

Modern medical equipment from Germany, Japan, America, Spain, Italy and China has been purchased and installed in the healthcare facility for the amount of more than TJS 15 m.

The hospital is equipped with the necessary surgical equipment, oxygen generators, digital X-ray, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and electrocardiogram.

Creation of such favorable diagnostic and treatment conditions and provision of modern health care equipment and facilities will enable doctors to provide high-quality services to residents of Vakhsh district and other neighboring districts.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, ordered the doctors and officials of the health care institution to use such conditions to provide high-level services to patients and to pay special attention to the issue of good treatment with patients and their relatives.

From now on, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of any diseases will be implemented in the hospital of Vakhsh district using the medical experience of developed countries.

All offices and recreation rooms of doctors and staff have decent facilities. Now the doctors of Vakhsh district hospital can provide high-quality services to residents of Kushoniyon, Jaloliddini Balkhi and Bokhtar districts. In this way, by renovating and equipping the main building of the hospital, conditions were created in accordance with international standards of treatment.

15 декабря, 2023 10:16

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