Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
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DUSHANBE, 28.07.2022 (NIAT Khovar) — On July 28, a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan was held under the chairmanship of the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Head of the Government of the country Emomali Rahmon.
At the meeting of the Government of the country, the issues concerning the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan in the first half of 2022 and tasks until the end of 2022 and the prospects of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2023-2025 were discussed.
The Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavki Zavkizoda gave a report on the results of the socio-economic development of the country and on the prospects of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Also, on the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan in the first half of 2022 and tasks until the end of 2022, and on the outlook of the main macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2023-2025, the reports of the Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the Tax Committee, the head of the Customs Service, the Chairman of the State Committee for Investments and State Property Management, the heads of the National Bank and the State Savings Bank of Tajikistan «Amonatbank», the director of the Social Insurance and Pension Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Minister of Industry and New Technologies, the Minister of Agriculture, the Mayor of Dushanbe, the mayors of Sughd and Khatlon regions, the mayors of cities and districts of central subordination were heard.
Summing up and analysing the results of the economic and social situation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the first half of 2022, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, emphasized that from the submitted reports, it appears that in the first half of 2022, despite the impact of the economic and political crises of the modern world, ongoing regional conflicts, economic and commercial sanctions, an unprecedented increase in the prices of goods and products in the world markets and the consequences of climate change, as a result of the implementation of timely anti-crisis measures taken by the Government of the country, the development of the national economy, in general, was ensured at the level of 7.4 percent, and the volume of the gross domestic product equaled 46.2 billion somoni.
In the months of January — June 2022, the state budget revenue plan was implemented at the level of 102 percent, and 15.1 billion somoni were channeled to the budget.
The development of the national economy was provided due to the increase in the production of industrial products by 17.3%, agriculture by 7.2%, capital investment by 2.5%, transportation by 18.7%, paid services by 12.8%, passenger transportation by 11.1%, and internal trade turnover by 8.6%.
The inflation rate in the first half of 2022 was 4.1 percent, which was formed due to the increase in the price of food products by 7 percent and non-food products by 2.3 percent.
In the reporting period, despite the negative impact of external factors, especially the instability of the political and economic situation, the decline in world prices for the main export goods of the country and other negative trends, the positive rate of economic development and macroeconomic stability was ensured in the republic.
At the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, it was emphasized that in 2021 the level of income of the population increased by 23 percent.
After analyzing the economic and social situation of the country, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, gave specific instructions and orders to the Government of the country and the leadership of the executive bodies of state power of the regions, cities and districts, ministries and state organizations and institutions to correct the existing shortcomings and ensure the full and effective implementation of state plans.
The leadership of the Ministry of Finance, the Tax Committee and the Customs Service were tasked to ensure the quality and full implementation of the revenue part of the state budget in 2022 together with the local executive bodies of state power of cities and districts.
The Head of state instructed to expand cooperation with international financial organizations in order to attract additional funds, especially grants, to support the state budget and priority areas of the national economy.
The President of the country instructed the Government and relevant structures to take strict measures to reduce tax arrears and prevent them from appearing in the future, and to submit a written report to the President of the country by the end of this year.
According to the data, in the first half of 2022, 1.7 billion somoni were received from the social tax in the social insurance and pension budget, which is 96.7 percent of the plan.
In this regard, the Head of state ordered that the responsible ministries and agencies should continuously work to collect and fully cover all real sources of income, prevent the occurrence of arrears and reduce the existing arrears, and ensure timely receipt of social tax from operating enterprises and organizations.
President emphasized that during the reporting period, the work on the implementation of the national strategic goal — the rapid industrialization of the country continued, with the implementation of 137 new enterprises and the strengthening of the existing production enterprises, the development of the production of industrial products was ensured by 117.3 percent.
However, the growth rate decreased by 6.1 percentage points compared to the same period last year, which was mainly caused by the mining industry by 41.7 percentage points and the processing industry by 2.4 percentage points.
In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies was tasked to work together with the relevant ministries and agencies to ensure the high speed of development of all industries and to attract capital to the priority projects of the industry.
In the first six months of this year, flour production in the country’s enterprises decreased by 35 percent.
In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies and the Association of Importers and Processors of Grain and Grain Products were instructed to take necessary measures to regularly import wheat from abroad, as well as to find alternative ways to import it.
Regarding the elimination of problems and correction of deficiencies in the country’s energy sector, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, instructed the responsible officials to strengthen the structural reforms of the sector and ensure the efficiency of the country’s energy system.
Also, it was ordered that the responsible persons take urgent measures to introduce a modern system of control, accounting of electricity and reduce its losses in the cities and districts of the country.
Despite the fact that in the first half of 2022, the development of the production of agricultural products was 107.2 percent, the country’s existing resources are still not fully and efficiently used in this direction.
Therefore, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, tasked the Prime Minister, members of the Government, and heads of central and local government bodies to protect the food security of the country and provide employment to the population, to use every inch of land wisely and to take three-four harvests, increasing the area of cultivation of food crops, especially in repeated planting, including in the lands near the yard and the presidency plots, unfailing harvesting, continuous supply of the domestic market, export of fruits and vegetables, and the creation of agricultural products processing enterprises, to provide food storage in every family for the autumn and winter period of 2022-2023 and the season of the next year.
In particular, the heads of the Ministry of Agriculture, relevant ministries and agencies, regions, cities and districts were instructed to use water and land efficiently, to increase the area of crops, to organize permanent greenhouses and warehouses and cold storages for product storage, to start the cultivation of high-quality reproduction and climate-resistant seeds, control better construction and restoration of orchards and vineyards, including intensive orchards, and take practical measures to support agricultural farms.
The Head of state also instructed that for the rapid development of the livestock, poultry, fishing and beekeeping industries and thereby increasing the volume of production of the products of the mentioned industries, the implementation of the programs adopted by the Government of the country should be ensured in a timely and quality manner, and the monitoring of their implementation should be carried out seriously.
The President of the country emphasized that at the meeting of the Government regarding the results of last year, he gave specific instructions regarding the activity of the centers for the implementation of state investment projects and the correction of existing deficiencies, but there are still shortcomings in the implementation of some projects.
In this regard, the State Committee for Investment and Management of State Property, ministries and branch offices and centers for the implementation of state investment projects were tasked to eliminate existing shortcomings and work in cooperation with development partners in the direction of timely, high-quality and transparent implementation of projects, especially in relation to strengthening effective realisation of funds.
At the same time, the heads of the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management, ministries and agencies, heads of regions, cities and districts were instructed to intensify their activities in the direction of improving the investment and business climate, in order to attract as much domestic and foreign capital as possible, especially to take specific measures directly to the spheres of the national economy.
It was emphasized that due to the complex political and economic situation of the world, the financial and economic situation of the trade partner states of our country has become very unstable.
In most countries of the world, stockpiling of food, banning or limiting the export of basic necessities, shortages and rising prices of food products are observed, and such a situation is also affecting the consumer market of Tajikistan.
In this regard, the President of the country, with a view to maintaining a stable level of fuel and food prices in the domestic market, instructed the ministries of energy and water resources, economic development and trade, industry and new technologies, foreign affairs, transport, the State Committee for Investment and Property Management, State Material Resources Agency, Antimonopoly Service, State Unitary Enterprise «Tajikistan Railways» and associations of importers of oil products, liquefied gas and grain to take specific measures to meet the needs of the country’s population with these types of products.
At the same time, it was emphasized that in order to reduce the dependence of the consumer market on imported fuel products and to implement the principles of «green economy», it is necessary to transition to electric vehicles in the country, that is, electric cars and other vehicles using alternative sources of energy, including liquefied gas.
At the end of his speech, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, once again emphasized the need to develop the plan of activities to celebrate the 35th anniversary of state independence at a high level, based on which the establishment of industrial enterprises and factories, the construction of social facilities, the repair and reconstruction of roads and bridges, and other activities are planned. The representatives of the Government of the country in the regions and cities and districts, the heads of ministries and departments and the local executive bodies of state power were tasked to use all the available capacities to implement the plan of sectoral and local activities, to build production and social facilities.
Moreover, taking into account the complex situation of the world, the ministries, departments and local executive bodies of state power have once again been obliged to mobilize all possibilities for the implementation of the action plan to prevent the impact of potential risks on the national economy.
In this process, ensuring comprehensive development of the economic and social spheres of the country, including attracting direct investment, increasing product exports, improving the access of production enterprises and farms to financial resources and strengthening the production infrastructure, creating new jobs, strengthening regional cooperation and the full use of tourism opportunities were named as the primary duties of members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, regions, cities and districts.
Leaders of regions, cities and districts and representatives of the Government of the country received an order from the Head of State to draw the necessary conclusions from today’s analysis, to eliminate the mentioned problems and shortcomings, to prepare for the upcoming autumn and winter period, first of all, to prepare social institutions and the population, to collect timely harvest and, at the same time, to personally control the stocking of basic necessities in each family for two years and to eliminate existing deficiencies in place and on time.
Then, in the work of the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, drafts of a number of laws, including on the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Amendments to the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Tajikistan», on the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Amendments to Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Tajikistan», on the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Amendments to the Customs Code of the Republic of Tajikistan», on the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan» and on the draft Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Introduction of Additions to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Veterans» were discussed and submitted to the Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan for consideration.
In the meeting of the Government of the country, there were discussed also issues about the State Program for strengthening the protection of state secrets and technical protection of information in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2022-2026 and about the State Program for the development of the field of state registration of real estate and rights to it in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2022-2026.
The report of the head of Khatlon Province Kurbon Hakimzoda was heard about the General Plan of Danghara city of Danghara district of Khatlon Province, which was developed in order to determine the strategy of socio-economic development and the territory of Danghara city.
At the end of the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, gave specific orders to the Government of the country, the leadership of the executive bodies of state power of regions, cities and districts and ministries and agencies for the implementation of the instructions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the indicators of the President’s Address to the Supreme Assembly, comprehensive preparations for the autumn and winter period of 2022-2023, sufficient stock of food, fuel, preparation for the new academic year, repair and renovation of educational institutions, provision of reading materials, organization of exhibition and sale of school uniforms, expansion of development and creative works in order to worthily celebrate the 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.