President Emomali Rahmon Opens Subhiya Carpet Weaving Center in Devashtich
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DUSHANBE, 14.11.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, put into operation «Subhiya» carpet weaving center in the village of Hazorchashma, Devashtich district.
This facility occupies an area of 288 square meters and was built by the domestic businessman Pirimkul Sattorkulov.
The «Subhiya» carpet workshop was implemented on the basis of attention to the development of traditional folk crafts, including hand-woven carpets, and within the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the development of hand-woven carpets and other folk crafts».
Head of State Emomali Rahmon was informed that 11 pieces of carpet weaving equipment and devices from abroad were imported and installed in the workshop, and new jobs were created for 20 local women and girls.
In these devices, silk carpets are produced in the traditional way. This style of carpet weaving is popular among folk craftspeople, and it is revived and developed precisely with the attention of the state.
One of the activities of the craft center is to include women and girls in the villages of Hazorchashma, Panjbogh, Mujun and Istiqlol to learn the art of hand-woven carpets. In these villages, the number of folk artisans, including carpet weavers, is high among women and girls, and the establishment of a carpet weaving workshop contributes to the development of this traditional craft, and especially to providing employment and income to village women and girls.
The establishment of the workshop is a beneficial result of cooperation between Tajik and Uzbek entrepreneurs and craftsmen. The cooperation between the artisans of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is expanding, and it becomes a great opportunity for the establishment of such enterprises and the development and presentation of handicrafts. The basis of handmade carpets is silk fiber and thread. The use of silk thread with beautiful national patterns in the production of the carpet is the quality of the hand-woven carpet and the popularity of the product in the foreign market.
Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, highly commended such a constructive initiative of the businessman in the direction of the development of handicrafts and assessed the activity of this handicraft center as an important factor in providing women and girls with jobs and additional incomes at this expense.