President Emomali Rahmon attends inauguration of Norak Central Hospital after capital repair and reconstruction

30 августа, 2024 10:12

DUSHANBE, 30.08.2024 /NIAT Khovar/. On August 30, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, put in commission the building of the Central Hospital in the city of Norak after repair and renovation, and got acquainted with the conditions of services in it.

The main building of the Central Hospital of Norak consists of three floors and a basement and has more than 190 rooms, including 132 inpatient rooms with 136 beds, pediatric, intensive care, diagnostic, cardiology, maternity, internal medicine, women’s, surgery departments and other auxiliary facilities. The total area of ​​this hospital is about 6 hectares.

Renovation and construction work was carried out in the Central Hospital of Norak city with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of the Project for improving services for mothers and children, which was launched on a pilot basis in 4 cities and districts of Khatlon Province. In this process, a new boiler room, laundry and disinfection room were also built.

At the same time, within the framework of this project, modern devices and equipment were provided to primary medical and sanitary facilities of Norak city, and their employees were involved in retraining courses.

In the course of the construction works in the healthcare facility, all departments of the hospital were provided with modern medical devices and equipment.

It was reported that the main building of the Central Hospital of Norak city was built in the 60s of the last century and was in need of repair over the years.

Repair and renovation of social facility in the city of Norak started in 2022 with the involvement of specialists and engineers of LLC «Sokhtmon 3». During the construction, the workers used high-quality domestic materials and completed the work within the specified time, observing the characteristic art of national and modern architecture.

The facility is considered a valuable gift of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the residents of Norak during the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the State Independence.

Along with the repair and renovation works, modern devices and equipment, including surgery, oxygen generators, digital x-rays, ultrasound diagnostic equipment, electrocardiogram, and unique kidney diagnostic and treatment equipment were imported from the developed countries of the world in the amount of more than 730 thousand US dollars.

 The modern conditions in the hospital, created by the blessing of peace and stability and state independence, now allow the doctors of Norak city to accurately diagnose and treat various diseases and provide high-level services to the residents.

Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, in order to further improve the quality of primary medical care for the population, presented two emergency medical vehicles to the employees of the Central Hospital of Norak.

With the building of the health care facility being put to use after repair and renovation, the problem of the population of more than 67 thousand people of Norak city in terms of access to modern medical services was solved. For the timely treatment of various diseases, more than 360 employees and doctors of this healthcare institution have been provided with good conditions that meet international standards.

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during a sincere conversation with the doctors and employees of the Central Hospital of Norak city, gave them useful advice for providing high-level medical services to residents and good treatment with patients.

It is worth mentioning that there are currently 25 health institutions operating in the city of Norak, in which more than 104 experienced doctors provide medical services to residents.

30 августа, 2024 10:12

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