Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon attends the opening ceremony of the Skills Development Center in the city of Rogun
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DUSHANBE, 27.09.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 27, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, arrived in the city of Rogun to open a number of facilities of various purposes and to view the process of construction works at the «Rogun» hydropower plant.
The working trip of the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon first started with the opening of the Skills Development Center.
The newly built modern and beautiful facility in the city of Rogun has been constructed with high quality and meeting the requirements of architecture with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the involvement of 2.9 million US dollars from foreign development partners within the framework of the instructions and guidance of the Honorable Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon in order to create new jobs, improve professional skills and ensure permanent employment for the population in preparation for the great national holiday — 35th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.
It was reported that the Skills Development Center in the city of Rogun consists of an educational building and a 4-story dormitory with 130 beds, 8 educational workshops and auxiliary buildings.
The construction works in the facility began in August 2022 in accordance with the designed project and the requirements of the construction rules and regulations, and were completed within the specified time with high quality.
The building of the Skills Development Center was built in the city of Rogun for the sum of 32 million somoni on a total area of more than 2 hectares.
The conditions created in this center allow the training process to be carried out for up to 150 people in one shift, and in this way more than 1800 people can be trained in a year.
The Skills Development Center consists of 10 spacious classrooms with 90 computers, practice and multifunctional rooms, consulting, sanitary and hygienic, administrative rooms, a meeting hall with 135 seats and other auxiliary facilities.
More than 200 local residents were involved in the construction process of this facility with temporary work. After putting the Center into operation, 38 people were provided with permanent jobs.
In addition to the study of 4 professions in the field of electricity, the center also conducts foreign language studies, including English, Russian, and Korean, and each student receives an international certificate after graduation.
Theoretical and practical classes are organized in the Skills Development Center. The conditions created in this center allow people of any age, who have the desire to master a craft, to learn various professions here.
The newly built facility is equipped with the necessary equipment and accessories, and surveillance cameras are installed in it.
At the same time, a childcare center and a dormitory with 57 rooms and 130 beds have been established inside the building.
To encourage participation in the educational process, women students are provided with free childcare and scholarships.
Professional skills training in the Center is defined in agreement with industry associations. New educational programs are provided for a shorter period of time than regular education for needy groups of the population who cannot afford to pay for education or spend time for the TIKTO program in the form of a day.
Also, a small field for playing football has been built in the courtyard of the beautiful and modern building, and its surroundings are decorated with colorful seasonal flowers.
This facility is connected to the heating system, and all classrooms and other auxiliary rooms are fully heated through it during the cold season.
The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the newly built facilities, gave specific instructions to the officials for the establishment of such centers in all cities and districts of the country, as well as the selection and deployment of teachers and training of high-level specialists.